Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Coaching - Warm Up Session

Warm Up Session- 

I did a 5 minute warm up session without a football by asking my group to form a line along the touchline of the astroturf.

I started with a slow jog across the pitch.

Then continued back and forth with steady jog but included various differences i.e high knees, heel flicks and side steps.

I continued my session by pairing up similar height and weight people.
And then asked those pairs to line up width ways across the penalty box.

I explained to the group what my warm up games were going to consist of.

First I told each pair to stand behind one another and then piggy back each other there and back the full length of the pitch. then to swap over with their partner and repeat this.

Secondly, I told the group to then repeat the same distance, but this time to wheel barrow each other there and back.

My Evaluation-

Overall I feel that the session went fairly well, I felt comfortable whilst delivering my warm up. It looked and sounded like the group enjoyed it.

The warm up was competitive and fun, it was working the whole of the body, each pair had to work together, this helped to develop their teamworking skills. My tutor who was overseeing the session told me that I took up a good position whilst coaching.

Need to demonstrate each activity so that everyone has a clear understanding of what we're doing. Also whilst coaching I need to try and be louder and clearer with my instructions.

Although I was working with a very able bodied group, they found some of the activities to be very physically demanding. Therefore I would consider changing the distance that each pair had to cover. 


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